3-18-23 Change Log

------------    Change Log   3-18-23:    ------------
This is a massive update. This change log compiles all changes since the version released on 3-1-23.

[  Bug-fixes  ]
- Fixed bug where fish would have issue being reeled in near walls
- Fixed more missing colliders
- Fixed several bugs with the inventory
- Fixed a bug where mike would always say he had new stock
- Fixed a bug where  interaction icons would cast shadows
- Fixed a bug where fish would follow the lure at unintended times
- Found and fixed several bugs with lure "allure" calculation
- Fixed several bugs with tension accumulation
- Fixed a longstanding issue where the rotation of hanging lures was fixed
- Completely re-hauled the saving and loading system
- Fixed a bug with Unity's input system in 2018.3.1f (Unity L)
- Fixed a bug where  the "radio animation" would play without the radio being on
- Fixed fish snapping to the direction of the line instantly when biting
- Fixed a bug where the "dead fish" event was visible before triggering
- Fixed an issue where lures with additional sink force would not sink fast immediately
- Fixed an issue with the fish inventory Icons
- Fixed a bug where the mouse would be visible and unlocked when unintended

[  Changes  ]
- Updated a certain event with "him" to use a new model
- All UIs now render under the pixel filter if enabled
- General improvements to most UIs
- Changed intro background image
- Balanced the accumulation of tension during fishing
- Improved range for interacting with several objects
- Slightly shrunk area in which Sam can cast
- Balanced the fish economy
- Balanced the fighting values for fish (again) as well as fight varience
- Unified a lot of UI elements across several UIs
- Greatly improved rate of fish detecting the lure
- Smoothed audio volume changes on radio
- Improved a certain "event" with the radio

[  Additions  ]
- Added particle fog to town scene
- Added more options
- Added an audio filter when the camera is underwater
- Added the ability for dialogue to shake
- Added a hedge to the town scene, rail guards, and a lot of extra set objects
- Added more crows over time around both core scenes
- Sam now holds the fishing rod (finally) and has a few new animations
- Added tutorial text and UI in the journal menu
- Added dialogue to tell the  player when their inventory is full
- Added the "ThE eNd"
- Added some of the final tracks to the radio
- Added many sound effects including ambient audio tracks, footsteps, etc.
- Added fading to black between most game scenes
- Added code to save audio track and playback time between scenes
- Added a custom cursor

[ Optimizations ]
- Improved culling of nature objects such as trees
- Improved performance of UIs
- Optimized general rendering settings
- Added fps capping and Vsync options
- Added a toggle for the pixelate filter
- optimized the saving and loading system
- Added an optimized audio manager system for playing sounds


WretchedDepths-3.18.23(Win).zip 153 MB
Mar 19, 2023
WretchedDepths-3.18.23(Linux).zip 158 MB
Mar 19, 2023
WretchedDepths-3.18.23(Mac).zip 163 MB
Mar 19, 2023

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