2-28-23 Change Log

------------    Change Log - 2/28/23:    ------------
NOTE: This compiles many of the changes since the version released on 2/2 since there have been no change logs since.

[  Bug-fixes  ]
- Fixed a bug where certain events would never trigger

- Fixed issues with several objects' collisions

- Fixed a bug where players could pull fish out of the lake without catching them

- Fixed several UI issues

- Fixed issues with loading transitions not executing properly

- Fixed several bugs with rotating fish in the inventory

- Fixed a bug where fish could sometimes be reeled through walls

- Fixed the quality of the lighting and shadows

[  Changes  ]
- Players now must be within a certain range of the lake to fish as indicated by an icon on screen

- The debug menu can now be accessed with SHIFT + F1

- Improved the design of several locales around the lake and town adding new objects and background elements

- Polished encounters with "Him"

- Improved the feeling of reeling in by adding screen shake and tension meter

- Balanced the difficulty of many fish when being reeled in giving each species an individual fighting force

- Balanced fish inventory sizes

- Changed how and when fish spawn

- Balanced the prices of certain items and fish

- Greatly improved fish idle behavior

- Adjusted timing of certain events

- Gave characters their own "voices"

[  Additions  ]
- Added a depth meter to keep track of current depth when underwater

- New locations Such as "Graveyard" and "Temple"

- Added the event where "He" gives the player "It"

- Several new fish

- Many, many, many new VFX and SFX

- Added fishing gear

- A new basic HUD shows the player how to access the menus

- Added several voice logs by a certain fish buyer scattered across the map

- Added a work in progress introduction to ease the player into the environment

- Many characters are now animated

- Added "The Entity"

- Added more player interactions in the town

[  Optimizations  ]
- Added draw distance culling for certain environmental objects

- Implemented physics process optimization for creatures (fish) ;)


Wretched Depths 2-28 Build.zip
Feb 28, 2023

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